News Releases

8/1/2020Web site renewal opened.
9/26/2019We are pleased to announce the completion of our new factory (Factory No. 3).→details
2/2/2017Brand new Hybrid-type engine cleaning equipment for large-scale work have been completed and launched. →details
2/10/2016Brand new Keg Washing/Filling machine for micro breweries have been completed and launched.→details
10/1/2013Toshihiko Yamamoto was appointed Chairman of the Board and Makoto Nakazawa was appointed President.
10/1/2013We having reached the 40th anniversary of founding.
8/1/2013Web site renewal opened.
3/1/2013Brand new Keg Washing/Filling machine for micro breweries have been completed and launched.→details
9/5/2011The washing machine which can be altogether from washing to airblow within 1unit have been completed and launched. →details
6/5/2009Flexible-Type Finishing machine for FC casting WORK have been completed and launched.
10/11/2008Brand new Keg Washing/Filling machine for micro breweries have been completed and launched. → details